TNZTP-Tapdi Oksijen Özel Sağlık ve Eğitim Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. Ipo

Tapdi Oksijen Özel Sağlık Ve Eğitim Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. Buca Tıp Merkezi, Özel Tınaztepe Hastanesi ve Özel Tınaztepe Galen Hastanesi olmak üzere 3 merkezinde sağlık hizmeti vermektedir.

TNZTP-Tapdi Oksijen Özel Sağlık ve Eğitim Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. Ipo

TNZTP-Tapdi Oksijen Özel Sağlık ve Eğitim Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. Announces IPO! The details of Tapdi Oksijen Özel Sağlık ve Eğitim Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. public offering, which is planned to be publicly offered in the coming days, are as follows;

TNZTP-Tapdi Oksijen Özel Sağlık ve Eğitim Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. Ipo

The IPO Table TNZTP Is As Follows

  • Stock Code : TNZTPTNZTP
  • Distribution Method : Eşit Dağıtım **
  • Request Collection Date : 5 Ocak 2023-6 Ocak 2023
  • Public Offering Price: 10.21 TL
  • Total Lot To Be Released To The Market : 28000000 lots are planned to be released to the market.
  • IPO Size: 285.880.000,00 TL
  • Additional Sale:
  • Intermediary Institution: Piramit Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş.
  • Market :Ana Pazar

TNZTP Last Year's Financial Statement is as follows;

Current Assets 95.217.789,00 TL163.829.727,00 TL226.344.131,00 TL
Fixed Assets 138.690.657,00 TL134.980.262,00 TL518.741.233,00 TL
Short Term Liabilities 51.915.362,00 TL85.225.300,00 TL106.230.711,00 TL
Long Term Liabilities 36.857.121,00 TL31.023.150,00 TL47.874.161,00 TL
Equities 145.135.963,00 TL182.561.539,00 TL590.980.492,00 TL
Net Profit For The Period 22.923.483,00 TL37.158.266,00 TL65.843.490,00 TL

TNZTP Cash Ratio

The cash ratio, or cash ratio, is a financial indicator that measures the company's ability to quickly meet its short-term obligations. This is without the need to sell any assets. To calculate the cash ratio, only liquidity and its equivalents are considered in the denominator. Also in the denominator, current liabilities, close are all commitments that must be fulfilled in the future. For example, we mean short-term bank loans (less than one year) and payables to suppliers. Ratio is required to be over 1.00.


Tapdi Oksijen Özel Sağlık ve Eğitim Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. Acid-Test Ratio

It shows whether all of the short-term debts can be paid quickly with liquid current assets. The ratio is required to be above 1.00.

TNZTP Current Ratio

It is a ratio that shows whether the company will be able to pay its short-term debts if it ceases operations today. It is desired that the ratio be above 1.00.


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